It's Halloween, and I'm sitting here trying to decide whether I should just throw the pics on here and chat about our hee hee haw haw trick or treating adventure last night (one night early b/c the county said so) or should I tell y'all my spooooooooky story about living in this old haunted house of mine.
Okay, let's do this... here are some pics from last night, and then maybe if Big Dave doesn't require me to be his c0-couch potato, I'll throw on the spooky story.
Here are the babies...
C was Lady GaGa, Miss Priss was a Q-Tip, and E was a werewolf.
Big Dave and I were 'deviled eggs'...
And Mendy was our chickeny mama...
We piled up in the pumpkin-wagon/mobile and headed over to the neighborhood where we don't have to walk for miles in between lit houses to get some treats...
It was lovely fun, and I'm hoping I'll get to squeeze at least one more year out of it for Miss Priss... (and myself of course.)
~~~Okay, let me peek in the living room...
He seems content... perhaps we'll get our ghost story after all. ~~~
Don't worry, it's not too scary, and it has a happy ending.
Well, y'all know this house is pretty old right? The folks who sold it to us were the children of the sole owner of the house. Eloise Steinbeck. Her husband, and one true love, built the house for them in the '40s, and they lived here together until Theodore's death sometime in the mid eighties.
Ms. Steinbeck lived in the house, by herself (so we thought) until she was 102 years old, which is when she finally had to move into a retirement home because she was too frail to take care of herself.
So when we moved in, we found old love letters from the couple, some photos, and a ghost.
And sure, Big Dave and Miss Priss may think I'm a kooky bird, because they never experienced the ghost themselves, but I'm here to tell you, there was somebody other than the three of us in this house.
I never saw anything, but on more than a dozen occasions, I'd wake in the middle of the night to the sound of music being played somewhere in the house. I'd lie in the dark straining to hear it again, and sometimes I swear I could still hear it even after I woke.
Then one day, I was sitting here at my computer and something touched my shoulder... like poked it, you know? I totally expected to turn around and see someone behind me, but I was alone in the house. Big Dave was working and Miss Priss was at school. Creepy? Yes.
And the same thing happened one day when my family was home... I was blow drying my hair in the bathroom off of our kitchen, felt something like a hand brush my right shoulder, and turned expecting to see Miss Priss or Big Dave trying to scootch behind me to get to the laundry room, but again there was nothing. Creepy? Yes again.
Then something happened. Ms. Steinbeck died in the retirement home, the day before her 105th birthday. We'd been in the house for less than a year if I remember right.
And he went away.
I'm 100% certain that Theodore was hanging around in this house... his house, waiting for his bride to find her way to him. And now, they're together, I'm not getting anymore midnight serenades, and the phantom touches have stopped.
I love that two people so attached to each other lived in this house, their life and marriage is an inspiration to me, and I'm glad Theodore finally found his Eloise.
And that, my friends, is my spuh spuh spuh spooOOOoooooky tale!
Happy Halloweenies!! ;)