I love gifts.
No really... I LOVE GIFTS.
And if that gift happens to be a book, then I'm even more happily pleased.
So, imagine how uberdeeduberdee excited I was when I went to let my neighbor's dog out this afternoon (because these are the things you do when you're unemployed and love your neighbor) and found this on top of the kennel...
Weeeeeeeeeee!! I've been chompin' at the old proverbial bit to read these since so many of my cyber buddies have recommended them.
And since I just finished The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, I was able to start this trilogy immediately. (I'm on page 61, and it's already SO good!)
So, I've got The Hunger Games by my side, and I'm listening to The Tortilla Curtain in the car, which is ridiculously good too. Plus I'm making a lot of progress on my own rag I mean, novel. LOTS of words going in and out around here.
No wonder I've been dreaming like a maniac lately. My imagination is on OVERLOAD.
But have no fear, I still managed to plant a couple dozen annuals in my new flowerbed and mulch it with pine bark nuggets, plus pick up all the Spanish moss and mow. And looky what's happening in the garden...
There's peas in them there pods! Oh my mouth is already watering.
So... anything growing in your garden? And anybody reading anything terrific? Do tell!