Things are slow around Dhuland this week... after our busy Easter break, it's nice to have the house to myself and get things cleaned up. I've only got a handful of noteworthy things to chat about today, so let's see what's happening...
After weeks of rabid anticipation, the sugar snap peas have released their bounty with gusto...
I've got quarts and quarts of our delicious little friends... yum!
Just a few minutes in the microwave, a dash of salt and voila... better than boiled peanuts in my book. DeLISH!
The hens are back to laying on a daily basis again after their week or two helter skelter egg production. Were they on strike? Just saving up? Having a case of Spring Fever? I dunno. But several days ago Big Dave accidentally left them out in the garden and they flew over the fence which used to be no big deal because they were relatively safe in our yard. However with the addition of Shady, who happens to be a BIRD DOG, things have gotten a bit more precarious for our feathered frauleins. Add to the mix, our neighbor's dog Sugar who'd come over to play with Shady, and you've got yourself a chicken chasin', feather flingin' broo ha ha. Big Dave and our neighbor managed to save the chickens from peril after dashing through the forest in chase of the dogs who were in chase of the chickens (you still following?) and ever since, what do you know... we've gotten eggs.
Guess they learned their lesson eh? No eggs equals chicken Nazis. End of story.
And in other noteworthy news, Shady...
...have taken quadripedal contortionism to new heights.
And I finished reading The Hunger Games trilogy by Suzanne Collins...
Which may I just say, COMPLETELY ROCKED MY SOCKS OFF!!!! If you haven't read this series, stop what you are doing, go immediately to and order it. You cannot afford to live another day without it.
And with that, I will bid you adieu... I must journey to the outdoors where the wind is whipping in over the marsh hard enough to blow the gnats and skeets away, and a thirty foot wall of azalea bushes is waiting for me to give it a better hair day with my trusty loppers.