Another super relaxing, mind renewing weekend with my girls has come and gone... sigh...
Normally Deiha, Sid, Kristine and I head over to Fort McAllister or down to Tybee for our biannual runaway from the family and scrapbook weekends, but we ended up at my house instead. (Big Dave and Miss Priss were gone for the weekend.)
So we pushed the sofas to the side and brought in the tables, piled our scrap crap everywhere and had an easy does it kind of crop weekend in Dhuland.
We laughed and ate and played Just Dance (1&2) on the Wii, went to eat at Bella's, watched free movies on Demand (Sid made us watch one with Rock Hudson in it... we balked and fussed, but in the end I loved it,) drank pina coladas, told stories (fearful and fabulous) and... what else... hmmm...
...oh yeah, and we scrapbooked too.
So I hit the weekend with my scrappy mojo in high gear and pumped out fifteen pages (which, compared to I think like eight last time, is pretty darned stellar).
Let's have a looky at some of this weekend's festivities shall we?
This is my doggie box from Bella's... it held a perfectly sized portion of tortellini in it for lunch Saturday. Each of us ate until we nearly popped, then got our doggie boxes customized by the lovely server. And then we enjoyed our delicious italian delicacies for lunch the next day (with the exception of Sid because I accidentally dropped her ravioli on the floor and Shady the pointer licked it. hee hee... I am NOT laughing... hee hee... really, that's just gas. Or perhaps a nervous tic. Nope, no laughing here. )
We didn't get any good group shots of us, but we did manage to snag a few 'action' photos during our Just Dance competition...
Notice there are none of Kristine here... that's because SHE'S SMART. (And maybe I couldn't remember how to work my camera... or that I even owned a camera. Hey, it was pina colada night... whaddya expect?)
Of course the main purpose of this weekend (besides much needed group therapy) was scrapbooking. And heck, I scrapped so hard I broke my dang Hermafix...
Now that's some serious scrappin. (Or maybe it was the fact that I'd had this particular adhesive dispenser since 2005... go figure.)
And I've got several layouts to show for my efforts...
As you can see, I do not scrap in chronological order... nope, just whatever inspires me at the moment. So I had fun creating layouts with photos from '07, '08, '09 and '10. And some of the layouts have been planned for nearly two years, just sitting in the bottom of my preplanned pages box, patiently waiting for me to take care of them.
In fact, I finished every layout in my preplanned box except for one, which means that I've got some work to do before I get to crop again... gotta get those pages planned ahead of time or else I waste SO much time and energy.
Here's a couple more...
Phew... just lookin' at 'em makes me tired. Or maybe it's the sleep deprivation from staying up waaaay past my bedtime the last two nights. I think I'm gonna sneak a nap before Big Dave and Miss Priss get back home.
More layouts to come soon....zzzzzzzz