Well crap.
I've let another week fly past without any Dhuland disclosure. My poor blog.
It's weird because it seems like I've ALWAYS made time to write, but lately I've been neglecting it. My precious bloggy has suffered because there's been so many other things happening in my brain.
And unfortunately one of those things is a dirty little secret that I must confess. {I'm SO embarrassed.}
I've become a crazy coupon lady.
It's true.
I blame Kristine and Deiha.
I didn't mean for it to happen. It slipped.
Deiha got into the coupon crap like a year and a half ago, then hearing her stories of grocery goodness, Kristine fell into it last summer. I fought it. Nope, I wasn't organized enough, didn't have the patience for the math involved, and refused to dedicate the time to hunting down coupons.
But after hearing these two discount divas talking about their free shampoo and fourteen cent bags of Kibbles and Bits, I decided to give it a shot.
I went online, found the coupon sites they talked about and committed to at least go into it with an open mind. What would it hurt right?
And now, a month later... I'm completely addicted. And not only that, I'm saving a butt-load of moolah! Don't worry, I'm not a hoarder... Unless I'm getting a CRAZY good deal, I don't get a ton of stuff (although I've run into some hoarder situations where shoppers have gone in and taken every single stitch of sale merchandise off the shelf... crazy.)
It's so much fun! And I'm getting some ridiculous deals in the process, like this little batch of goodness...
I paid $10.17 for ALL of this! {Did I mention it's addictive? Oh Deiha, you were SOOOO right!}
So, instead of working on my writing, I've been playing coupon queen. I'm such a dork.
But I'm gonna try to get back in control of this place... Honest.
Don't give up on me yet!