I played in the Penthouse last night...
Sure do wish I could scan these in instead of taking crappy pics, but alas... I haven't figured out the new scanner. Well, actually I think I've figured out that I hate the new scanner... yes, that's what I've figured out.
But I don't hate this...
I've been itchin' to use this cute chocolate paper from K&Co. Sure, stinky sticky marshmud is FAR from the sweet smooth chocolate, but I think it's funny. And these two are definitely not so sweet. ;)
This girl here is pretty sweet though...
Aw, Shady lovin'. I love those MAMBI chipboard stickers...very fun.
And lastly...
And sure, "Wet run" probably isn't the best title for a page, but I could only scrape up a w, e, and a t in my glittery chipboard letters, and well... it was a run, so I mean hey, why try to be fancy schmancy right?
So yay! I got a lot accomplished!
The Tide rolled, I rolled... heck, I'd say it was a dang good Saturday night. ;)
I got an entire Paris album done (finished up today the little details). Fun times...
Posted by: Sid | September 18, 2011 at 06:19 PM
Great pages!! I'd love to get together with you to scrap too. LOL!!! Homeschooling is affecting my mojo this school year for some weird reason.
Posted by: Tara O'Rourke | September 19, 2011 at 09:41 PM